Frequently asked questions
Opening hours,
Open 46 wees of the year, with a few closures over Bank holidays & In-service days ( Holidays and days off will be given well in advance, usually up to a year in advance )
Open from 0800 to 1700 Monday to Thursday. Closed Fridays.
We offer full 30 hours funding for Two, Three, Four and Five year old's, this can be blended with one more Childcare setting if preferred, but there is no wrap around care. (no drop off or pick up ) full days only minimum 7.5 hours a day.
For none funded children we offer minimum two full days of eight hours from 0800 to 1700. Term time only can be on request with a small retainer fee.
Before and after school is available. Pick up from Crown School only. Breakfast will be provided along with after school activities and snacks. Drop off from 0800 @£8 for before school, £13 for after school or £18 for both.
Holiday cover is available on request with prier payment paid upfront, please contact for availability, minimum of two full days at current rates.
Our fees
All Children under the age of three years old £7.25 per hour. Over three years £6.50
I provide funded places for two/three and four & five year old's, this can be split with other providers, minimum of 15 hours a week over two days.
We provide:-
We provide a Uniform, consisting of a "Tintin's" Organic cotton T-shirt and hoodie, and Tote bag, if you would like to purchase spare then please ask, they are £12/£18 each.
I provide a healthy choice of snacks am and pm and cater for any allergy's, with a Healthy two course choice of lunch for funded children.
All arts and crafts, all activities out with the setting, example to local parks, beaches, forests, soft play, play groups, theater, cinema etc.